Presentations Include:
Movie Nights
CO Legislation Review
County Commissioner Presentations

Forums include:
How to Vote Discussions?
Candidate Ask & Answer
Caucus Trainings
Get Out the Vote Campaign

Often the Delta GOP holds flag waving rallies on Main St. in Delta.
Rallies Include:
Love America
Pro Trump
Protect Our Kids

Candidates, from Congress, CO Legislature, to our local Sheriff, these candidates give the community updates on their work. The luncheons are catered and are hosted at a local restaurants.
Past Candidate Luncheon Speakers:
Rep. Matt Soper HD54
Gubernatorial Candidate Greg Lopez

Parades are a fun way to meet new GOP volunteers. The crowds welcome us with a warm happy greeting in the Delta County streets.
Participating Parades:
Delta County Fair
Paonia Cherry Days
Crawford Pioneer Days

Outreach Committee hosts our Booths at local festivals. Flags, patriotic jewelry, hats, and bumperstickers are sold.
Booths at Festivals:
Paonia Cherry Days
Crawford Pioneer Days
Cedaredge Apple Fest
Delta County Fair
We need your support today for events tomorrow! Please consider a donation. It takes money to win back the country!