Well, the November 5th General Election is getting closer. The ballots are scheduled to be mailed out to voters the week of October 14th. So, we all need to get up to speed on the candidates, the judges who are up for a retention vote and the ballot initiatives. Once again, the ballot is VERY full. There will be a total of 11 races on the Delta County ballot, although all precincts will only have 10 or even 9 because the three state legislator races only cover part of the precincts in the county. The SD5 race only applies to precincts 1-10 and 15-20, the HD 54 race only applies to precincts 1-14 and the HD 58 race only applies to precincts 15-20. I will be covering all the candidates in this blog. I will cover the 11 judges who are up for retention votes and the 16 possible ballot initiatives in a separate blog, just to keep the length of the blogs reasonable. But first, I want to discuss why we should be voting for ALL the Republican candidates. I believe all of our Republican candidates are strong candidates. This election seems to have the Republican Party presenting policy proposals while the Democrat Party seems to be focused primarily on attacking Republican candidates. There are so many false attack ads being shown on television, the internet, mail flyers and traditional news media. I will be focusing on the policies that the Republicans are proposing and will only address the most egregious negative ads that the Democrats are slinging. I want to start by reminding voters why we call ourselves Republicans. Our county party started handing out the following shortly after I became Chairman in 2021. We believe these statements summarize our positions as Republicans and provide a foundation on why we should vote for Republicans:
Why We Are Republicans
1. We believe in the Republic of the United States of America as proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and established in our Constitution.
2. We believe in equal rights, justice and opportunity for all.
3. We believe in free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative to achieve economic growth and prosperity that allows all Americans to maintain our unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
4. We believe in a strong, effective military to maintain our national security.
5. We believe in the importance of law enforcement to enforce the laws established by our representatives in all levels of government.
6. We believe that the proper role of government is to maintain the rights of all Americans, as outlined in our Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the additional 17 Amendments to that Constitution.
7. We believe the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best government is one that governs least.
Now I’ll go through the 11 candidate races that will be on our November 5, 2024 General Election ballot. The format follows the order of the candidates that we will see on our ballots. If you just want a summary of our recommendations, there is a table at the end of this blog that does that.
President and Vice-President of the United States
Republican candidate Donald J. Trump for President (L)
and Senator J.D. Vance for Vice-President (R)
The presidential race is the most consequential race for many people. They seem more interested in this race than most, if not all, of the other races. While the presidential race is extremely important, the Congressional, State and County races are equally important, though in different ways. Some of the extreme attention on the presidential race is probably due to the amount of advertising and media coverage that we are barraged with. While I am not down-playing the importance of the presidential race, I am just trying to point out that the so-called “down-ballot” races are also extremely important and we need to be sure to vote in those races. I covered this in my last blog, published on September 23, 2024 – Why the Hell Should I Vote? If you haven’t read that I encourage you to take a look to see why it is so important that we vote for in all the races.
I encourage you to vote the Trump-Vance ticket. Trump accomplished so much in his first-term in office and I believe he will continue to do good things for the American people and quite frankly the world. I realize Trump has his detractors. Many people detest his personality. But we are not in junior-high voting for the student council. This is not a personality contest. We are voting for the leader of the most powerful country in the world. The policies that our leader wants to implement and their ability to get them implemented are what is important in selecting our national leader – the president. So, what are the policies that Trump and Vance want to see implemented? Trump calls his platform Agenda47. Here are the twenty points he lists as his agenda:
Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion.
Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history.
End inflation, and make America affordable again.
Make America the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!
Stop outsourcing, and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower.
Large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!
Defend our constitution, our bill of rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms.
Prevent World War III, restore peace in Europe and in the Middle East, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country -- all made in America.
End the weaponization of government against the American people.
Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders.
Rebuild our cities, including Washington DC, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.
Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world.
Keep the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency.
Fight for and protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age. (He has also proposed no taxes on Social Security.)
Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations.
Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.
Keep men out of women's sports.
Deport pro-Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again.
Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship.
Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success.
I believe Donald Trump and JD Vance are unquestionably the best choice to lead our country for the next four years. For more information, check the Trump website. Here’s the link: https://www.donaldjtrump.com
Democrat candidates Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
Trump’s and Vance’s primary opponents are the Democrat candidates Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. My blog is partisan and I am writing about why you should vote for the Republican candidates. I do not plan to give the opposition a platform for their positions. However, I will discuss why I believe people should not vote for the Harris- Walz ticket.
As Vice-president for the past 3½ years, Kamala Harris also has a record of what she has done, not done and advocated for. As has her vice-presidential running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Many of the campaign slogans the Harris-Walz campaign are now touting, do not jibe with their records. So, let’s see how the record compares to the Trump agenda:
Harris served as the “border czar” for the Biden-Harris administration. Illegal immigration has soared under the Biden - Harris Administration. Donald Trump was showing the following graphic in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, when he was shot. The graphic shows the huge increase in illegal immigration under the Biden-Harris Administration. Biden also shut down construction of the border wall that Trump had pushed and they sold material for unbuilt portions as scrap. Harris now claims she will build a border wall and deal with the illegal immigration if she is elected. This is difficult to believe as she accomplished nothing to reduce illegal immigration in the 3½ years she has served as Vice-President.
Inflation averaged 1.9% in the four years Donald Trump served as president, 2017-2021. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, inflation has averaged 5.7%. The only presidents with higher numbers are Gerald Ford with 8% from 1974-1977 and Jimmy Carter with 9.9%, from 1977-1981. The causes of this inflationary increase are the policies of the Harris-Biden Administration – scaling back oil production in the country and passing the American Rescue Plan Act in 2021, a $1.9 trillion stimulus package that caused prices to soar and the Fed to raise interest rates 11 times, from a low of 0.07% in January of 2021, when the Biden-Harris Administration took office to a high of 5.33% in September 2024. This has caused mortgage interest rates to also increase in a comparable manner. EVERYTHING NOW COSTS MORE SINCE THE BIDEN-HARRIS ECONOMIC POLICIES HAVE BEEN PUT IN PLACE. How could this trend change, if Harris is elected?
World order has deteriorated under the Biden-Harris Administration. Following the debacle of the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan and the rejoining of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or the Iran nuclear deal, immediately brought back over 90 billion of dollars into the Islamic Republic of Iran allowing it to restart its support for its proxies Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthi rebels in Yemen.
There are six more minor party and unaffiliated candidates and six approved write-in candidates that will be on the ballot. DO NOT WASTE YOUR VOTE ON THESE CANDIDATES. THESE CANDIDATES HAVE NO CHANCE OF WINNING AND VOTING FOR THEM ONLY SERVES TO HELP THE OTHER MAJOR PARTY.
Vote for Trump and Vance because they have proven policies that work and will lead us out of the disasters that the Biden-Harris Administration have taken us to.
Representative to the 119th United States Congress – District 3
Republican candidate Jeff Hurd

Jeff Hurd is a Colorado native, a husband, a father of five, and an attorney. He is running for the 3rd Congressional District because he feels western and southern Colorado deserve a sincere, authentic, and hardworking Congressman. Someone who cares about policy and delivering results for communities and for working families, and who wants rural Colorado to thrive. Someone focused on doing something instead of just being someone.
Hurd grew up in Grand Junction, and after high school went to college and eventually law school. His career brought him to New York City, where he worked on complex matters with and against some of the brightest minds in law. In 2014, Jeff returned home to western Colorado with his wife, Barbora, to raise their family.
Since returning home, Hurd has built a law practice focused on rural Colorado. For years he has worked with—and advocated for—rural hospital districts, fire districts, school districts, and broadband internet providers. Most of his work involves serving electric cooperatives (Including DMEA), which are a vital part of rural communities across Colorado. At the same time, he has also served the Grand Junction business community and the broader Colorado legal community in various leadership roles. Hurd states he fully supports the policies of President Trump.
Issues – Border security, better jobs, empower working families, energy and energy independence, water, agriculture. His website is: https://jeffhurdforcolorado.com
Democrat candidate Adam Frisch
Adam Frisch is a 55-year-old former New York currency trader. He attended CU and graduated with a degree in economics in 1990. He moved to the Western Slope in 2002 and resides in Aspen. He is married to Katy Tresness Frisch, they have two children. In the Club 20 debate with Jeff Hurd on September 21, 2024, he followed a similar strategy to the one he used in his 2022 debate with Congresswoman Boebert. Frisch either attacked Hurd for being a “corporate lawyer” and accused him of wanting to sell water in the San Luis Valley to the Front Range or he responded to the questions that he would work in a bi-partisan manner to “figger the issue out.” Frisch also promotes himself as a “moderate and non-partisan” who was an Unaffiliated voter until he changed his registration in 2022 to run as a Democrat. However, the Boebert campaign found a New York Voter Registration form from 1992 when Frisch registered as a Democrat. Is he being untruthful or forgetful? Either way it indicates a problem. Frisch also states he won’t be beholden to the Democrat Party if he is elected, but representatives depend on the Party leader to get Committee assignments and bills brought out of Committees to the Floor of the House. If you buck the Party Leader you won’t get a good committee assignment and you won’t get any bills introduced onto the House Floor. I don’t believe we need another “Elite” in Washington. Adam Frisch made a fortune as a currency trader in New York, married a wealthy easterner and lives in the wealthiest city in Colorado. He is NOT a regular Coloradoan just trying to make a living here in Colorado and raise a family – no matter how he tries to portray himself. There is no way he can truly represent the people of CD3. If you want to watch the Club 20 Hurd-Frisch Debate here is the link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN2sJDxHuIo
Vote for Jeff Hurd because he is the candidate who will best represent Western Colorado.
To watch the other Club 20 Debates here is a link: https://www.facebook.com/club20westslope/videos/532789972639707
State Board of Education Member - Congressional District 3
The Colorado State Board of Education supervises academic standards and accreditation for the 1900+ public schools in Colorado.

Sherri Wright is from Montezuma County. Wright was elected at the CD3 Assembly in Pueblo on April 5, 2025. She ran against 3 other candidates in the primary election and received 54% of the delegates votes.
Wright has 3 decades of experience in education. She has been a middle school educator, small business owner, charter school director, technical college board president, local school district board president, and member of the Colorado Association of School Boards. Strategically led the RE-1 school district through COVID as school board president with a focus on teaching and returning the students to the classroom in a positive learning environment. Experience working with the Colorado State Senate and House, served on the Senate Severance Committee. Active in the Republican Party, served as Precinct Co-Chair. Her website is: Sherri Wright For State Board of Education (sherri4co.com)
Wright is facing Democrat Ellen Angeles of Montrose. Angeles is the daughter of a principal and a teacher. Angeles has taught K-12 in Leadville, Durango, and Montrose. She is a mom with a child in the local school district. Her three key messages are 1) Public Schools need to be fully-funded. Students deserve good teachers, excellent resources, and opportunity to be successful. 2) Educators in Colorado need to be paid a livable wage and get out of the very bottom of the pay scale from educators across our country. 3) When we have good schools, we have better communities. We need to work with parents and businesses in our community to prepare students entering the workforce and becoming good members in society.
Vote for Sherri Wright for a stronger educational background and a better ability to articulate specific plans as a member of the Colorado Board of Education, representing CD3.
Regent of the University of Colorado - At Large

Eric Rinard was elected at the State Assembly in Pueblo on April 6, 2024. He was unopposed and elected by acclamation.
Rinard has been a Colorado resident since age 2; resident of Weld County since 2003. Married with four children, aged 11 to 19. Board member at Aspen Ridge Preparatory School, a public charter school in SVVSD, since 2016. Currently Vice President. Owns and operates a 30-acre horse farm. Family participates in sport of equestrian vaulting, competing nationally and internationally. Rinard is a CU- Boulder graduate with a degree in electrical engineering. Current senior engineer at KMLabs in Boulder (since 2009). Weld County Republican Party PCP/District Captain since 2010 and secretary since 2014. Rinard’s campaign slogan is “Competence, Cooperation, Common Sense - Intellectual, Not Ideological. His platform states he will strive to increase accessibility and reduce the cost of attending and constantly support the growth and diversity of research initiatives on all campuses. His website is: https://www.rinardforregent.com
Rinard is facing Democrat Elliott Hood. Hood’s priorities area long-list of Democrat talking points - to make CU more affordable and accessible, make CU more sustainable, improve graduation and retention rates, protect academic freedom, promote diversity, inclusion, and civil discourse, promote academic and research excellence, support collective bargaining for our workers, support athletics and our student athletes.
There are two other minor party candidates running in this election. They are Thomas Reasoner – of the Approval Voting Party and T.J. Cole of the Unity Party. Again, DO NOT WASTE YOUR VOTE ON THESE CANDIDATES. THESE CANDIDATES HAVE NO CHANCE OF WINNING AND VOTING FOR THEM ONLY SERVES TO HELP THE OTHER MAJOR PARTY.
Vote for Eric Rinard because of his science and technology background and his common sense, non-ideological approach to serving as a CU Regent.
Regent of the University of Colorado - Congressional District 3

Ray Scott - served in the Colorado House from 2011 to 2014, representing House District 54 the first two years, and after redistricting, HD55. He was elected to the Senate in 2015 and served two four-year terms. Scott was born in Ohio and grew up in Rifle, Colorado. Scott began his work career with Conoco as a terminal manager and later with Williams Energy in Colorado and New Mexico. He founded several businesses in the energy sector, land development, logistics, sports, software, and construction. His website is: https://rayscott.co
Scott is facing Democrat Robert Bruce Logan of Durango. Logan is from Durango. He is an Air Force veteran, serving as a jet engine mechanic. He holds a business degree from Fort Lewis College and a Master of Divinity Degree from Denver Seminary. He served as years as a minister at a Durango church for eight years, then taught at Durango High School from 1998 until he retired in 2023. He is married and the father of three adult young men. He is running to make CU as accessible and affordable as possible for the diverse range of students coming from CD3.
Vote for Ray Scott.
State Senator – District 5 (On the ballot for Precincts 1-10 and 15-20.)

Marc Catlin is currently the representative for HD 58. He has served four 2-year terms and is term-limited for that seat. When Senator Perry Will decided to not run for re-election, Catlin threw his hat in the ring for SD 5. He lives in Montrose County and has a varied background. He was born and raised in Montrose and grew up on an irrigated farm raising row crops. His family raised sugar beets and Coors barley until those crops were replaced with sweet corn and seed beans. He opened his own real estate office, then worked for United Banks of Colorado as an ag-lender. Later, he worked with A-B Lateral, a hydroelectric project proposed by the Uncompahgre Valley Water Users Association until moving to Grand Junction and entering Mesa State College and finishing his degree in Business. He managed and operated the Mesa County fairgrounds while living in Grand Junction. He got an opportunity to work as the Assistant Manager of The Uncompahgre Valley Water Users Association and was promoted to Manager of the Association. He had a radio show on KUBC AM called Diversions, a weekly talk show about water, business and agriculture. The show was on air for over 5 years. Most recently, he has been employed by Montrose County as Water Rights Development coordinator.
Representative Catlin describes himself as an advocate for the Western Slope. He promises to continue to advocate for the values held by the people in District 5. Discussions about Western Slope natural resources and economy, guide his policy in directions to improve and protect interests held by the citizens of SD 5. The economy of Western Colorado's is one of his highest priorities. He believes the people of western Colorado are the best stewards of the land and the environment. He promises to stand up and speak out when government or special interest groups encroach on our property rights. His website is: https://www.catlinforcolorado.com
Catlin is facing Democrat Cole Buerger. Buerger grew up in Garfield County and now lives in Glenwood Springs with his partner, Mitchell, and their dog Ellie Mae. Buerger owns several small businesses, including a local food truck and gathering space along the Colorado River and a one-man consulting shop. His small firm has worked with local, state, and national organizations on issues like educational funding equity, voting rights protections, and financial literacy. He has served on the Garfield Planning and Zoning Board and has volunteered with the nonprofits Lift Up and Literacy Outreach, serving at the local soup kitchen and working as English language tutor. Buerger says as a state senator he will work to diversify and strengthen our rural economy with good paying jobs that don’t require long commutes, protect our land and water, fund a world-class school system, fix our broken healthcare system, drive down the cost of housing, and update our infrastructure–including our roads, telecommunications, and rural broadband services–for the 21st century.
Vote for Marc Catlin because he has a proven record of representing Western Colorado and he is the expert on Colorado water in the state legislature.
State Representative – District 54 (This race will be on the ballot for Precincts 1-14.)

Incumbent Representative Matt Soper is the sole candidate on the ballot for House District 54. He will be in his 4th and final term as representative for HD54. Soper was elected at the HD54 Assembly on March 30, 2024 in Palisade. He was the sole candidate at the assembly.
Representative Soper descends from a farming family that has been continuously tilling soil in Delta County since his great-great-grandparents moved west in 1887. Soper was born and raised in Delta and handpicked Olathe Sweet Corn during the summers and worked as a clerk for a local water lawyer during the winters to pay his way through college. Soper continues to work an irrigation shovel and grows alfalfa on his small farm.
He graduated from Delta High School and earned his undergraduate degree from Colorado Mesa University, and law degrees from The University of Edinburgh School of Law and the University of New Hampshire’s Franklin Pierce School of Law.
Currently, Soper serves on the Delta County Memorial Hospital District Board of Directors, the Colorado Tourism Office Board of Directors, the All-Payor Claims Database Board, the Delta County Museum Board, and the Advisory Council of the Technical College of the Rockies, along with serving as an ex officio member on Harmony Acres’ Board. Soper is a member of the Fruita, Palisade, and Delta Chambers of Commerce, Rotary, Elks, and Lions Clubs, and is a volunteer at the local homeless shelter.
Previously, Soper served on the House Judiciary Committee, the Seventh Judicial Nominating Commission, the Orchard City Town Council, Colorado Mesa University’s Board of Trustees, and the City of Delta’s Historic Preservation Board. His website is: https://www.electmattsoper.com
Vote for Matt Soper.
State Representative – District 58 (This race will be on the ballot for Precincts 15-20.)

Larry Don Suckla is from Montezuma County. He spends his time and energy as a rancher, farmer and auctioneer, with a history including logging, building, and landscaping. He believes his job is leaving the world better for our children. Larry Don and his wife Julie own a summer ranch at Groundhog where they run their cows. In the summertime they farm high quality grass hay and winter wheat. He also grows a crop of the famous Olathe sweet corn. He understands the value of Colorado Water Rights, and private property rights. Suckla is a former county commissioner for Montezuma County. His website is: https://sucklafor58.com
Suckla is facing Democrat Kathleen Curry. Curry previously served for three terms as a representative for HD61 from 2005-2010 She served two terms as a Democrat, then switched to Unaffiliated in her third term. She most recently worked as a lobbyist at the Colorado State Capital. Curry is married to a rancher in Gunnison County and says her primary issues are water supply, land use, forest health, education funding, rural health care, and affordable housing. I believe Curry’s main shortcoming is belonging to the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party of 2024 is not the Democrat Party of 2005 to 2008. She left the Democrat Party in 2009 over and lost her seat in 2010, when the Democrats ran another candidate against her. The Democrat Party of today has become increasingly anti-agriculture. I believe Larry Don Suckla has a better opportunity to represent us than another representative of the Democrat Party that will have to go along with Democrat policies or be marginalized.
Vote for Larry Don Suckla and help get the Republican Party our of super-minority status in the state legislature.
District Attorney – 7th Judicial District

Seth Ryan is the incumbent District Attorney. Ryan was elected in 2020. Ryan was elected as the Republican nominee at the JD7 Assembly in Pueblo on April 5, 2024. He was unopposed in the primary. Ryan is also unopposed in the general election.
However, Seth Ryan gave notice of his resignation as JD7 District Attorney on September 24, 2024, effective October 31, 2024. Ryan’s name will still be on the ballot on November 5th because the ballots were already printed. Because Ryan is a Republican, the Republican JD7 Vacancy Committee will be meeting on October 2, 2024 to select a replacement for Ryan, on the ballot. All votes made for Seth Ryan in the November General Election will be assigned to the replacement selected at the Vacancy Committee meeting. Since Ryan is running unopposed, the replacement will be the winner in the election.
Vote for Seth Ryan - to vote for his replacement.
Delta County Commissioner – District 2

Current commissioner for District 2, Don Suppes, is term-limited, after two four-year terms. Candidate Craig Fuller was elected in the primary election as the Republican candidate for District 2 and he is unopposed in the general election.
Fuller lives in the Eckert area and has for the past 30 years. He is married to Leanne and they are the parents of 8 children, including 3 adopted boys. They own and operate a small residential construction company, which has allowed them to meet and develop friendships with many of their neighbors.
Fuller served 15 years on the Orchard City Town Board. During that tenure the new town hall was built, the Orchard City Town Park was expanded with new soccer fields and a multi-use pavilion and including other various projects to maintain the town’s roads and water system.
Craig Fuller states he has been a Republican his entire adult life. He is running for county commissioner because he wants to be sure the taxpayer’s money is being spent wisely, as opposed to the type of spending that is going on in the eastern part of the state. He has no personal agenda or preconceived notions. He believes a government official needs to remember that their service needs to be “Of the people, by the people, for the people.” If they cannot remember that they have no business running in the first place.
Vote for Craig Fuller – NOTE while the candidate must live in the district they represent, all voters in the county vote for the county commissioners on both districts.
Delta County Commissioner – District 3

Incumbent Commissioner Wendell Koontz was elected in the primary election on June 25, 2024. He was unopposed.
Koontz will complete his first term in December of 2024. Prior public service includes Town of Hotchkiss Trustee from 2006 thru 2010, followed by two terms as Mayor from 2010 thru 2018. He has served as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board of County Commissioners. His additional roles while serving as a County Commissioner include Chair of the Gunnison Basin Roundtable, Club 20 Executive Team Member, a founding member of JOLT (Joint Organizations Leading Transition), and a member of the Delta Health Foundation Board.
Wendell is a Registered Professional Geologist and a Registered Member of SME with over 25 years of mining experience. His professional experience includes mining geology, reserve evaluations, federal coal leasing, exploration drilling and geophysics, and property acquisitions.
Wendell has been married to his wife Esther for over 34 years and is the father of two adult children who were raised in Hotchkiss. Wendell and Esther reside on Rogers Mesa.
Commissioner Koontz faces an unaffiliated candidate, Nikko Woolf, in the general election. Mr. Woolf lives on the east flank of Young’s Peak, east of Crawford. He has made one issue the center-point of his campaign – the county land-use codes. What are his qualifications? What are his job experiences? What are his positions on other areas that the commissioners deal with? The county provides many services, including law enforcement, health services, road and bridge construction and maintenance, public safety and social services. Other county services are provided by special districts such as hospitals, libraries, cemeteries, pest control, fire protection and mosquito control. The Delta County School District 50J has its own governing board and staff. The county administers state-mandated programs and distributes state funds to the agencies providing state services. Commissioners oversee these programs and make decisions on how they are funded. It is critical we elect a commissioner who understands how all those programs and services need to be implemented here in Delta County. At the League of Women Voters Candidate Forum on September 28, 2024, Mr. Woolf did not provide enough information to answer the questions I posed above. Vote for a qualified, experienced candidate – Wendell Koontz.
Vote for Wendell Koontz – AGAIN, NOTE while the candidate must live in the district they represent, all voters in the county vote for the county commissioners on both districts.
So, you can see this is a VERY FULL ballot. And this is just the candidates. I will put out another blog this next week on the Judges and the Ballot Measures. Remember, it is critical that you vote and vote STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN. These are ALL strong candidates. If you are tempted to vote for a Third-Party candidate or a Write-in candidate, remember voting for one of these NEVER results in that candidate winning but ALWAYS helps the opposition candidate to win. Finally, here is a summary of the Delta County Republican Central Committee Recommendations on the candidates:

If you have any questions, please contact me or one of our other Executive Officers – Leslie Parker (Vice-Chairwoman), Brittany Deleff (Secretary) or Cathy Cheatham (Treasurer).
David Bradford Chairman, Delta County Republican Central Committee
PS – A note on the information used to write this blog. I used Ballotpedia, the Colorado Legislature website, candidate websites and newspaper articles that have been posted on the Internet to pull this article together. I am simply trying to present sufficient information for voters to make informed decisions on the candidates.